Thursday 9 May 2013

Between the rows

Mmm, a night warm enough to have the window open listening to the waves...what a treat is that? And much thanks for the sound of birdsong this morning...very good for you, you know, as this article will explain...
Also for some cosy covers to pull up and a heater to put on before I got up ...bit of a nip in the air again!

The bickering went on and escalated last night and in the end one of the parties called the police which is a relief as I really don't like the rows, the verbal violence and sometimes physical too, I've overheard over the years. But I must admit I rather enjoy the different sort drama when the officers come... and a sense of increased safety too. I don't know if it's to do with the signal on their radios, or procedural, but they always call in to base from the landing outside the flat where it all goes on (which of course is right outside my front door) and it makes quite fascinating listening, though I do try not to actually draw up a chair and ghoulishly take in all the details...

I'm grateful I've completed my pre-renal appointment challenges which are of the jumping through a hoop on a wooden leg variety. Actually that describes what most of life feels like when your kidney function falls...

I give thanks that Peter has confirmed he is picking me up afterwards...and that I've completed the challenge I set myself of making some little pastries with feta, peppers, spinach and olives to share with a cuppa outdoors somewhere... All I've got to do now is remember to take them...and to get washed and dressed before I leave!

The picture? Oh that's nothing to do with anything apart from that I'm grateful I was there the other day and thought to take it, and thought you might like to look at it too... It also makes a pun...and I like those!

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