Thursday 30 May 2013


This morning I've had 'The One' going round in my head...the one by Gabz on Britain's Got Talent! I've really enjoyed seeing how the 12-16s have featured on the show this year. It can be such a creative time in life, that little gap between childhood and adulthood, especially if your talents and aspirations are respected and nurtured just as part of you, not treated as a disgrace if they're different from your parents' or peers' or overblown as a vociferous claim to fame. Those years weren't a very happy time for me but I'm grateful for the memories of music I wrote, the songs and poems, the clothes I designed and made, the artwork and so on...Oh, and the sense of possibility...

I'm grateful for another excellent acupuncture session...we've been trying a slightly different regime the last few weeks and until it's broke we won't be fixing it! The treatment rooms are upstairs from a shop full of almost irresistible goodies...baubles and beads candles and cards and things to decorate your body and I'm always thankful when I manage to come out of there able to appreciate the experience without the need to own the bits and bobs that make it!

I'm grateful that I had a cuppa on the blowy seafront afterwards though I didn't feel like lingering long, lovely to see all the visitors enjoying it but it was hazy and unphotogenic (I can relate to that!) and I thought you might like to see these pretty (wall) flowers I passed on the way instead...

Gratitude for my tea cooking and nearly done, for the colour combinations as smoky grey blue clouds gathered over the greeny blue sea behind the limey green leaves...and my new washing up bowl which is orange. The future of washing up is bright now too!

1 comment:

  1. bathroom to be done in smokey bluey/cream seaside colours ,think a splash of limey would be good thankyou Gabi ,another good idea !!!!xx


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