Wednesday 1 May 2013

Mayday Mayday

This evening I'm grateful I've come to rest after a very busy day. For the shenanigans upstairs ceasing for sleep time and for having the opportunity to be a good neighbour in return and call for an ambulance this afternoon when one of them appeared to move from stupor to seizure and worried the others a while. I'm so grateful I'm not an seems very hard work!

For a 'long walk'...well, by current standards anyhow! For the weather being so conducive as many sedentary pauses were required. For all the entertaining things I a little dog working out how to get to a seagull on the edge of a dinghy that was making it cross. It had a few goes at reaching it by boat (walking across the moored ones...what did you think I meant?) before giving up and walking round to a place where it could swim safely between them. This meant it could really surprise that gull as it was looking the other way quite unaware the attack was coming from below. One bark and the bird nearly fell in!

For living somewhere so beachily beautiful, and well appointed...always a place to be out of the breeze, and miles away from an amusement arcade!

For Laura coming to help me give my bed a bit of a spring clean. I mean what I say...we took the mattress off and the base and cleaned the frame and underneath...mmm, clean...I love clean! And for a book about Scottish isles she found in a charity shop and gave to me. I've been thinking a lot about Scottish isles of late so hopefully this will satisfy my urges for a while as they are mightily hard to get to without a set of wheels, sails or very strong legs!

I'm grateful I have lots of things to eat that require nothing more than heating up for tea, and some not even that like fresh fruit salad made yesterday and blueberried up this afternoon. I'm grateful for remote control and sofa, earplugs and a book and a plan to practice the business of not being busy for a while...

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