Saturday 11 May 2013

Take a seat

Much gratitude for earplugs again last night...and for not being a junkie without my stuff - for deeply do they suffer... I was grateful that despite disturbances I rose in time to get some packages to the Post Office...and managed not to burst into to tears when the counter clerk said how much they'd be because it really was a horrible shock! Being up early(ish) also meant that I was near the phone when Laura rang and thus able to say yes to helping her take two dogs for a walk...always the kind of thing I'm happy to help with - as long as there are plenty of seats to rest on along the way! I was grateful to relieve Luders of a couple of slices of special offer fruit cake for that very purpose and to say 'thank you' for thinking of me...

Afterwards we stopped at a second hand furniture shop that's not long been there very long and that's in a place easy to spot but not to stop. It turned out to be far better than we expected with some interesting items for sale at quite reasonable prices including this stool/table/plant stand thingy which is the right height, size and strength to be any of the above and was, by virtue of this versatility, the five pound price tag and the car to bring it home in, a bargain I couldn't resist!

This afternoon I've been predictably sedentary, though not on the stool! I'm grateful I've not actually fallen asleep yet but have been doing a bit more slowmo sewing and catching up with catch up TV. Well, that is what it's there for, eh? I give thanks for the aroma of jacket potato calling me to me tea...

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