Saturday 18 May 2013

Constant waving

It's been a very trying, tiring week for me...I'm sure I could easily list fifteen things for which I'm not grateful at all! And on a sunny Saturday sometimes I especially wish I had more chums to be chummy with, or more loved ones just to love...or, in lieu of these, the wherewithal to go somewhere away from the rest of humanity, to mountains and moors and wilder places again and be with the me I like the best...

However, by forgetting the 'pace yourself' advice and pushing myself to my limits I can have this and it is far from a small is a wide blue yonder of blissfulness! Seriously I could ride the ferry back and forth for hours but they only do a one way ticket and it would get rather costly...

I give thanks for getting here today and having here to get to! For finding a new shop of delectable deli-ishness across the river, though I couldn't actually shop there today and have an afternoon out as well, so I'll have to back another time I guess (sometimes I crave a car as carry things in, as well as me!) For a few good charity shop finds back on this side including a garment that didn't need altering and a big fat Anita Shreve for 99p! For the warmth of the weather so lots of rests could be taken to help me on my way...some of which even out of earshot of screaming children and moaning grown ups... For finding forgotten leftovers in the fridge on my return so I didn't have to cook tea. Oh, and for winning a long battle with my laptop and my ever unco-operative fingers to tell you about it too!

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