Sunday 26 May 2013

Unpick and mix

Yesterday evening I gave thanks for the lethargy busting sight of a big orange moon rising above the trees to silver the sea, very prettily demonstrating the power of illusion to enthral! Did encourage me to move from the horizontal though, and speedily too, which little has done since I arrived back home.

I was very grateful to all my neighbours for their quietness during the night and that all I heard this morning were birdsong, church bells and the drummer - none of which I mind listening to at all...especially lounging around in bed! I'd intended to get stuck into some sewing but it was one of those days when things get stuck, or come unstuck and I was grateful when fatigue made me give up before I was unpicking more than I'd stitched, and while there was a little bit of energy left to still get some laundry, catering and so on sorted... I was particularly thankful for taking some recycling down to the communal bins so I realised how warm the sunshine was and knew it was worth the effort of coming back up for a chair, a book and an apple..and that I hadn't been invited to the barbecue with the argumentative guests!

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