Wednesday 8 May 2013

The rain on the pane

Well, twelve hours in bed (most of them asleep!) and I was still tired...Never mind, I was grateful for the twelve hours! And lying there with my cup of tea listening to the people upstairs bicker I was very thankful I don't have to share my life (apart from me earshot!) with anyone who doesn't share my love of harmony! True, there have been many who have thought me most unharmonious and have urgently wanted me elsewhere, and that has made me sad...but I'd rather be sad and harmoniously alone with myself than with people who'd rather I wasn't around - or even vice versa! I'm aware that the bickerers might actually prefer things that way, that they might be grateful for being with others who like fussing and fighting...and I do hope that is the case!

I'm grateful too for not nagging myself and staying snoozing soothingly with a book well into the afternoon, loving the light patter of the rain on the window and the sound of the breeze sighing in the leaves... until I finally felt like moving and got dressed and finished vacuuming the kitchen floor and then, for some random reason, decided to start on the stairs. I live in a flat where there's plenty of stairs outside my door so, though I was delighted with the results, I was very grateful when the extension lead ran out and I couldn't go all the way to the bottom! I do have a longer one somewhere but I couldn't find it, which I think given the weight of a Henry and my general feebleness, is actually a blessing! What goes down, in this case, must come up!

I give thanks for finally sewing the hems on those truculent trousers...just by hand, in case they need adjusting after further cake consumption...or laundering perhaps... These things done, making tea and washing up and I'm pretty much washed up again myself. I give thanks for the window of opportunity for activity in my day...

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