Thursday 16 May 2013


This morning, exhausted from all that 'help with shopping' yesterday, I'm back embroiled in the usual what can I do v what do I want to do v what would improve my quality of life if I did conundrum. I'm grateful to the sunshine for providing that extra factor to be considered! Sunshine plus prescriptions to collect does suggest a hobble down the seafront (the hobbling part not optional today unfortunately!) I could get veg on the way to the taxi back up the hill but there's nowhere to get eco soap powder within a few steps of that and there'll only be a few steps left. Brainwave! Don't do any more washing than you have soap powder for over the next few days...sorted!

Biggest thanks of the day so far (11am) is seeing Hothead Von on cancerchat again. I don't visit there often any more...far too much chatting about cancer for my tastes... but Von was someone I missed and feared I wouldn't hear of again. I'm always grateful to her for her idea of there being a Dance for Life, like the race but including people who could only dance sitting down, or lying down, maybe just with their eyelids! And for the wonderful idea of starting a communal poem... Great to hear that Paper Roses Deb is still hanging on in there too!

This afternoon I was grateful when the sun went in as I couldn't find my mojo and can't leave home wihout it! I still have to go out for admirable acupuncture, virtuous veg and those pesky prescriptions but waving my brain at the sea might have been a beach too far anyhow...

...and in retrospect this evening I realise rather too nippy in reality today as well. I give thanks for discovering sweet pepper oatcakes and realising how extra delicious they'd be with cream cheese on top...and for having cream cheese in the fridge to prove it as well! There's been a lot of smiling through gritted teeth the last few hours - good to have something yummy to get them into instead!

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