Sunday 12 May 2013

Deep clean

Some days gratitude seems more elusive than others...I'm sure you can relate to that! Of course, it's a sure sign we're taking things for granted, not being appreciative enough and generally thinking in unhelpful ways...

So today, cleaning the bathroom bit by bit throughout the afternoon, I decided to focus on what I could find to give thanks for in the task. Having a bathroom was obviously a good place to start, having the strength and skills to clean it...and the motivation! Though it's verging on smug, also for how prettily and well designed it is given the tiny and unpromising space I started out with...for the wherewithal to buy the materials and to pay people for the tasks in the process I couldn't do.

For being able to do today's work gradually at my own pace...with no one nagging, getting in the way or messing it up in the meantime. For cleaning materials and remembering to save old toothbrushes. For hot and cold running water, an awareness of where dirt lurks and perseverance...and how much better it looks when it's clean!

1 comment:

  1. Today I also cleaned my bathroom, and I always find it amusing when Derek 'asks' if he can use the shower afterwards! ha ha, oh if only it would magic itself clean again after use....


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