Friday 31 May 2013


Happy Friday to everyone with plans for the weekend! I'm racking my brains for something a solitary slow person could do that wouldn't make them feel more solitary or slow surrounded by the bustle of lively lives. I'm so grateful my friends are so happy with what's going on for them right now and that they don't have anything troubling them to come and run by my willing ears...but I'd be willing if they'd just come by...or just to answer a message now and then if they had time to send one!

I'm grateful that if some unexpected invitation came along I wouldn't have to say 'I haven't a thing to wear' as I'm making progress with the dressmaking...though I've not actually made a dress recently but I have just completed another pair of linen trousers! It all takes much longer than I'd like as I've never enough energy and some tasks are just hard for my hands to do nowadays but it's pleasurable to do if I'm not too tired and I'm pleased with the results so thanks for both of those. Also that some very reasonably priced lace I found in town here was fitter for the intended purpose that the expensive one I bought on line which is very pretty but wasn't quite right when next to the fabric it was to go with. Oh and I'm grateful that more or less whenever I settle down in front of the TV to watch some tennis while I'm hemming or elasticating or something Monfils has just started a match! I've hardly seen anyone else this tournament so far...well, that I've heard of that is! He's out now which is a shame as he's such an entertaining player to watch but it does mean I can get back to the sewing machine, the washing machine, the cooker...

For time out with a hasty tasty salad and sunshine in the communal gardens when they weren't being too frantically communal at the time...that I found the book I wanted to take down with me but which had disappeared (remembered I'd carried it back last time inside the folded canvas chair...and that I've had a Facebook friend request from the food bank that I was trying to convince should have a page months ago and has at last just created one.

Massive thanks that the second replacement key for the storage room lock arrived in the post today, fitted the lock and unlocked it! Also for a free sample of a laundry product I'd not found in the immediate vicinity to encourage me to go a little further afield if I like it, I guess. And I'm grateful that Ann has been inspired in her decorating...get Pat to show you her 'muriels'!

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