Monday 13 May 2013

Top top

Yay, the neighbours have gone out...I give thanks for being able to hear myself think! I try to  have compassionate thoughts towards them but it is much easier when they're not there. What to do with the luxury of 'silence'? I think I'll just listen to the wind for a while, and watch the swirling leaves...if I can keep my eyes open! I'm always grateful for my high up windows and view of weather effects...

Mmm...Now I can give thanks for a lovely half hour's meditate, resting my body and my mind... And that I don't have to leap into any kind of action again straight away.

I give thanks that I half cooked my dinner in the more bustly part of the day, and did some cleaning and household chores without undue pain or total exhaustion. Much thanks too that when I had to sit down in between I was able to finish sewing the top of this top. I think the binding I won in the ebay auction goes rather well with the broiderie anglaise and it made it easier to attach the muslin lining I'm very grateful for that. Thanks too that the weather is still far too chilly to wear it so I can leave the rest for now and do some chilling instead!

1 comment:

  1. It's lovely! I also like the wall paper behind it, well I'm assuming it's wall paper?

    Hope the peace continues
    Lynn :)


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