Tuesday 21 May 2013

Things come apart

Well, yes, they have a tendency to do so anyway but they way for which I'm giving thanks today is this...

Also for the World's Weirdest Weather series which shows how amazingly they come together sometimes!

Today I was grateful to use my new clothes airer for the first time. It's rather smaller than the old one which is not altogether a bad thing as I can see out of the windows better over the top. It's a bit lighter to manoeuvre too! I've done enough other 'heavy stuff' the last couple of days as I've started reorganising where and how things are stored about the place. This will take a long time as it's like one of those slide puzzles requiring spatial ingenuity plus, to spare my fatigue and load bearing joints from too much load bearing injury, there's a limit to how many moves can be made in a day and whether the pieces can be moved all in one piece. I'm grateful for the optimistic beginning and the progress made, as I derive some satisfaction and, peace of mind from organisation and tidiness though this does mean that there have to be halfway houses for things so the place doesn't seem too chaotic between onslaughts.
I'm particularly grateful I've stopped for today though there is just one more thing I must do...I keep passing a piece of detritus in the hallway thinking it was a piece of packing material or sewing material. However I've just realised it's actually part of a poppadum. As I've not had curry for a couple of days this really somewhat disturbing...

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