Monday 9 December 2013

Cupboard love

I give thanks for the Teignmouth Oracle Facebook page for mentioning the beautiful mist on the river this morning and making me get out of bed and stick my head out of the window to see it!
I give thanks for the mist on the windows - in the middle of the panes so it looked like 'Victorian' snow spray in reverse...

I give thanks for the glorious sunshine and mild(ish) air so that even tho there was no way I could manage all the things on the to do list for today, I couldn't resist some of the ones needing going outdoors. Gratitude too for the Post Office not being closed due to industrial action, which it was last time I went, and would have been tomorrow if I'd put off going another day.

I'm grateful for the sky and sea for looking so blue, and the white houses on the hill behind me looking so pink in the sunset. Also for the Christmas decoration displays...I think! There are some very er...'enthusiastic' ones this year...

And I'm grateful for finally getting another plate rack for my cupboard. These lightweight but sturdy wire constitutions have revolutionised my life as it's so much simpler and less painful to get crockery in and out. If you know anyone with stroke damage, arthritic joints or fybromyalgia in the bits in between get some for them immediately. If you know anyone unfortunate enough to have all three be much nicer to's not much fun even with wire racks to stack your plates on!

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