Wednesday 4 December 2013

Hammered home

It always surprises me when I remember that there still is a world in which people do something in the morning, something in the afternoon...and then maybe even something in the evening as well. This morning I gave thanks that whatever the workmen upstairs were doing they were doing it so quietly I could sleep on and recover from the shock to my system of doing something on a Monday and on a Tuesday! My body had woken me up several times in the night to complain that this just wasn't right and I was very grateful when it gave up moaning about it and let me get some healing zzzzs instead!

I'm grateful I managed to get up and going before it started getting dark...always a challenge this time of year! I'm grateful I managed to get some of the things done on my list of things I really wanted to do do, the ones that seemed most important to me at the time anyhow. I do find my feebleness exasperating sometimes but when that is the case I remember to be grateful that no one's saying any of those even more exasperating things like 'Pace yourself', 'Leave it for another time' or 'Can't you get someone to help you?' Valuable energy can be expended on pointing out the pointlessness (or restraining myself!) when platitudes like that are trotted out, however well meaningly!

I give thanks for the pretty sunset and the pretty tanker still in the bay. Pretty is subjective, I know, but I love the way the look of it changes as the light does, or it moves position in the currents.

I'm grateful my Hammerong jobs have come out OK (in the soft light of the bathroom anyhow!)... Hammerong? Putting Hammerite paint where it's not really meant to go, of course! My aches and pains are meant to go in a deep hot bath later. I'm grateful I have the bath and the medical permission, just need to make tea...and stay awake after eating it!

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