Sunday 22 December 2013

Getting stuffed

I give thanks for...

*warm bright sun flood in my flat this morning and pretty clothes hanging on the rack (instead of in heaps on the bed and the floor!)

*my Dell Streak...precursor of many a fancier and more functional tablet phone but still a great companion when you're short on non-virtual ones and even a laptop seems too much like hard work. I give thanks the desktop BBC site working on it again, and for the stories they don't count as news ie. the interesting and uplifting ones...

*putting the new wool and needles that have been waiting for a quiet time into my new knitting bag. It's made from remnants and leftovers and finally finished after eighteen months at the bottom of the to do basket!...Just gotta wait for the pain to be quiet now; it's very LOUD at the moment so I'm being grateful that this isn't always the case and that I now know there's a reason why I feel like I've been beaten up sometimes and that I don't have to beat myself up about it any more...

*a humungous dinner of assorted things needing eating up, including parsnips and potatoes that looked a bit limp but tasted fine after roasting. I'm writing this between courses, in a minute I'm going to finish up the pudding I made with wrinkled Bramleys and out of date marzipan last night. Just chop them up together, add any odd dried fruit you have and top with some pastry or crumble. That's all there is to it as I was very grateful to find out. Well, you do have to cook it and eat it I suppose...but neither of those stages should be particularly taxing!

*cramming a few things into Bob's stocking - though they all seem much bigger than I imagined them to be so not as many as I thought! Also that his business going well so he's asked me if I'd like an extra Christmas present. This gratitude is both for his good fortune and mine, of course! I've less cards and gifts this year than for a very long time so I'm working on not worrying I've been naughty, because I really don't think I have...oops, there I go again!

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