Tuesday 7 January 2014

All in a day

Yesterday was a day of much nibbling, and delicious though those nibbles were, I had a real craving for some real food today so I give thanks for a hearty late lunch of slow baked jacket potato and leftovers - including limp leek and courgette livened up in a sauce made of cream cheese roule and green pesto (both of which needed eating up too!), and broccoli and part of a sweet potato and chestnut roast leftover from a previous day's leftovers cooking!

Making, eating, digesting and washing up after that is almost all I seem to have done today so I'm grateful this is of no great significance, and that yesterday I did so much to make myself so very tired including going to watch those great big waves, and learning some new songs at choir...

I give thanks for finding a suitable slow day routine that'll work for tomorrow too which goes: do something useful about the place, then when that wears me out sit down and do some knitting, then when that makes my hands cramp read or watch some TV...then fall asleep and start again! Gratitude for all the great things I've recorded recently including for a new series about sacred sites in Britain which includes Neil Oliver saying 'wurrld' quite a lot, always a bonus I think, don't you?

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