Thursday 30 January 2014

Memories we hold

Today's lyric is a kind of cheat because it's a line from an old song of my own that goes 'beauty is a fleeting thing, it's memories we hold'. It's been in my head a lot in the past few days because the line before that is about seeing trees turn from green to gold and that's what the mimosa has been doing, but came back to me again after looking at these...(thanks viralnova!)

Not only are these clever chaps creating delightful designs, they are reminding us of impermanence and the importance of 'being here now' for which I'm always grateful. Well, that's what they are reminding me of anyhow...for you it might me more a case of checking the weather report or booking a vacation! 

I'm grateful for making it to an unusually early acupuncture appointment today, and the opportunity to spend a large part of the afternoon in its afterglow...though quite where all the hours went I'm not quite sure! I certainly didn't manage to get my camera out during that time, despite sitting for a while on the chilly grey seafront, so here's an image from one day last week when I did and there was a little more colour...

Much thanks for a nibble of Rachel's lunch which she saved for me...and for her husband's excellent vegetarian cooking! And talking of cooking I just caught part of a baking show and learned of a Cumberland Rum Nicky which I shall be on a quest to try when I'm up north in a couple of weeks' time. I also discovered you can get unrefined icing sugar...whoohoo, now you're talking! Much as I love cake, that sweet nothing sugariness of white icing does nothing for me and grinding brown is not an easy option. Finally I'm grateful that all the talk and sight of cakes is driving me into the kitchen to make a quick dessert!

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