Wednesday 15 January 2014


I've been enjoying a non-fiction book this week, and then today I read something on the internet about some of the accounts not being true...and I was thinking about about how first of all I believed the book, and then I believed the internet article...and that maybe somewhere, sometime I'd read a denial of the accusation that they weren't true and would probably believe that too. We all do this of course - make decisions about what is and isn't fact with or without, or even in spite of 'evidence' -  and when you factor in the fact that facts change over time, plus our personal interpretation of their meaning, it all seems increasingly arbitrary sometimes. I'm grateful the stories in the book made me feel good anyhow...even if I was being manipulated to feel that way

The last couple of nights, as well as being kept awake by physical discomfort I've been struggling with the squeaky creakiness of my bed when I try to get reduce that, so today I've been trying to make it stop. First of all I tried tightening the bolts and some WD40 where metal meets...and when that didn't work I tried taking the mattress off and turning the base pieces round as it only squeaks on one side. I'm making this sound simpler than I found it I sure - I was very grateful for my 'can do' attitude even tho often at first I actually can't! Well, it was still squeaking in the same places so, as for technical reasons it's much easier that I sleep on that side, I'm now trying taking the frame apart and swapping the side bars. This may take some time...especially after tightening the bolts up earlier and leaving the WD40 on the window sill behind the mattress. I'm grateful I have somewhere else to sleep in the meantime...

I'm grateful I found a jacket size potato to put into cook while this was going on, and that there's some of that delicious mince left. Sadly all the savory rice from last night was finished. I haven't made such a good savory rice for years...mostly because I'm so rubbish at cooking rice on this cooker. I give thanks for discovering microwaveable brown basmati - another special offer. I understand the supermarkets are manipulating us into buying things we normally wouldn't this way...but sometimes I'm very grateful!

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