Monday 27 January 2014

Immaterial girl

Last night I set up the FM radio on my phone. The music playing  on Classic was new to me but I was sure it must be about the Scottish Highlands so I waited to the end to find out...and no, it was about a lake in the Catskill Mountains, the Ashokan reservoir. Google it and look at the images. That's what was happening in my head! You can listen to the song as well, but have some tissues handy. I give thanks for the miracle of modern miniature technology, the serendipity of chancing upon the haunting air...oh, and for my spectacular imagination!

I give thanks for finally getting the top off a new tub of rose hip pills. They are recommended for joint problems so I'm grateful for my sense of humour... And for discovering that if you drop a new toilet roll into a toilet bowl at the right angle it wedges in the porcelain and doesn't get wet. Much gratitude for my good fortune!

I give thanks for managing to walk down the hill to the doctor's for an extra curricular blood test, after the last scheduled one was less than reassuring. And for meeting a lovely lady from the choir going the same way for some chat and mutual admiration of the moody sea and sky. I give thanks for her perception in asking if I'd like to admire it alone on the grounds that 'sometimes it spoils it being with someone else'. Sometimes people don't get how wonderful it can be to be alone with nature but I was very grateful for her company actually...and to know I'm not alone in some of my thoughts and feelings.

I was grateful too for the money for a cab back up the hill afterwards and making straight for the sofa for a snooze. And I give thanks for stirring myself later to attempt a bit of sewing, though my limbs and brain were so unco-operative that it took the longest time to do the simplest thing...even when doing it wrong! There was a psychological advantage in giving it a go, rather than assuming I'd fail, so I'm grateful for that, and I also give thanks for the confidence that some other time I'll be able whisk it all back into the shape originally intended. 

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