Monday 13 January 2014

Good call

Well, I've got a new touchscreen phone to replace my old keyboard 'bag' phone for which the charger's broken so, after installing the app, I thought I'd try blogging on this new piece of kit today. Much gratitude for the developments in technology and the drop in prices over the last few years that mean something so clever can be so small and cheap to fit my pocket all ways round! And that android in particular has become increasingly nimble as my fingers have not!
I'm still very grateful I have my 'bat' phone Streak that does everything except (sadly) make the tea (and is almost big enough to eat it off!) but actually too grateful for that to take it outdoors very often and run the risk of dropping or leaving it somewhere.
I'm grateful I LOVE trying out new systems and tools even though (or maybe because) you never know exactly what's going to happen when you press a button or click on a screen. Let's see what happens when I try to add a pic from the low res but reasonably featured phone ie. you can crop out your finger that got in the way!
Yep...that seemed to go what about uploading...???

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