Wednesday 29 January 2014

All in

This week is being more busy than is comfortable for me right now, so I've been most grateful for a very restful day today, though I also gave thanks that I'm so keen to finish and wear my new make-it-up-as-you-go-along dress that I have done a little of that now and then. The skirt part is made, and on the top I just need to finish the neckline and the bottom of the sleeves before seeing if my plan for the waistline will work. Yes, there are sleeves...sleeves set into armholes! In all my years of sewing I have never made set in sleeves without a pattern before so I'm slightly surprised and extremely chuffed that they have actually gone OK! Gratitude for that particularly as, though I bought a long enough length of the exceptionally cheap fabric to cut pieces out more than once if necessary, I didn't really want to have to start again...

I'm very grateful for starting the vegetable stew yesterday too, so all I had to do was pop it in the slow cooker, and add a few sosmix balls for tasty hot food all day. In the evening I'd tried to capture the quality of light on the bright yellow blossom with the stormy sky behind. But it didn't translate through my camera lens...and anyway sometimes when you're very tired uploading actually feels like you're lifting up a load so it had to wait for today. Imagine the it's greyer in the background and gleamier in the front!

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