Wednesday 22 January 2014

Big girl's blouse

Hmm, well I don't know about sewing a fine seam, but I've done a little work on refining  some on a couple of bargain garments recently purchased. I'm trying to turn a big girl's blouse into a small(er) girl's dress, and an almost unbelievably badly put together 'designer copy' into something less poorly designed, made and fitting..but without taking it all apart as some bits are OK. Both things were new and cost less than ten pounds for the two so not a major waste of cash if they don't work but, because they're pretty fabric, would be apparel to give thanks for if they did!

The pain makes it all rather challenging but, you know me, always happy to sit down to a challenge...especially when there's a spot of tennis on TV! I'm grateful for that, and another nap after all the exertion, and that when I went into the kitchen to make a drink before an early night last night I discovered I'd forgotten I'd already done the washing up, tidied and cleaned the work surfaces etc. What a lovely surprise that was!

I was grateful for a snoozy evening catching up with The Bridge tucked up cosily on the sofa bed before drifting off to sleep...only to be woken up by the return of the strange family who've moved in next door. It sounds as if there's around a dozen of them, from zero years up and none have a bedtime or a volume control although they all shout at the dog to shut up if it starts to yap! They are also nomadic and wander off elsewhere for hours or even days at a time, so that's something to be grateful for too...and that they don't live in the flat above mine.

I'm grateful Mr Tesco is cooking me cauliflower cheese tonight. I must away and put some veggies on to go with it. Ooh, and there's some of the fruit salad I made yesterday left as well...nom nom nom!

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