Saturday 4 January 2014


This morning I was surprised (but very grateful) to wake up quite early and quite lively (for me) as I wanted to get a letter to Kostas finished and posted in case he was in low spirits after his sister's Christmas visit ended. And being awake and at my laptop meant Clive could connect with me and check I was up for meeting up... so much gratitude for that too and a great few hours out pottering in the muddy lanes and marveling at this and that...oh and lots of eating and nattering as well! Lovely to have his company after so long and in a car as well so we could go out a-jaunting...

I gave thanks to my knees for allowing me to be upwardly mobile for some of the views without too much ouching about, and for a very dozy end to the afternoon since returning so they (and the rest of me) could quietly recuperate. For spotting the second series of The Bridge starting later...Oh, and the beautifully graduated blue of the sky after the sun went down!

Earlier I was sorry to hear that Phil Everly had died, but then I remembered how much I enjoyed the hits he had with his brother and was grateful for those...and the fact that, even though live music might be better in so many ways, recording means we can enjoy it again and again...

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