Sunday 19 January 2014

The dog's wotsits

No illustration to go with the title today...well, it's a family show don't you know!

I've been being grateful for being philosophical and patient over the lack of pin pushing and pedalling today. Thank goodness I had so much crafty experience before I started again recently, it wouldn't have been much fun being a beginner now with all the challenges. Gratitude that hands that do stitches have a memory of their own anyhow...a shopkeeper the other day was telling me a garment was probably organic cotton, whereas my fingers said viscose, and the seam label agreed! And later I was fondling some other fabric thinking 'Hmm, it's silk and something...' and it was indeed!

So to get through a day of difficulty and pain? I have to say I think I'm very fortunate here in having to look after myself because usually the effort involved keeps me fully occupied! Probably if you have someone else to do the laundry and make the food etc you have far more opportunity to contemplate your misery. That's how 'men' get 'flu' isn't it?

In the rest periods between the chores I've been giving thanks for catch up TV including Big Town Dance. Despite the scripting and editing it's hard to fake the actual moving (physical and emotional) So...the lady discovering what her body could and couldn't do after fighting cancer and major surgery? That bit rang true... Then there was Sherlock, one of my favourite bits of British TV entertainment in a long time! I liked that even a high functioning sociopath thought fondly of hugging his dog! I was reminded of Laura's mum (who's been poorly at the same time as Laura's been looking after her daughter's dog) asking if Chumba can be left with her when Laura goes out for the benefits of her warm and attentive company.

And I've been reading the paper (Positive News) where I found a link to this pertinent talk about not being defined by illness even when you're confined by it...

don't let its frivolity blind you to some of the truths even if you suspect the maths is dodgy! You may well be right...

but, as far as I know, no one's death bed regrets ever include wishing they'd debated points more, or even won them! It's telling you about getting more life - quality or quantity - what's to argue about?

I'm grateful I've written my's taken hours but I know you'll be grateful too!

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