Saturday 2 August 2014

Day tripper

I'm grateful I live somewhere there are so many things going on. Sometimes I get a bit peed off that it's so hard to join in so many of them nowadays, even as a spectator, but that doesn't stop me giving thanks they're there. Today I've been listening to the PA with more live music for the water carnival or it could be the Regatta (there's both) - I know it's not the hedgehog show, that finished earlier this afternoon! It's all good for the holidaymakers anyway and locals staycationing or running businesses here, so it's all good for me too...

I've been grateful for a quiet day at home, with the sound of the warm wind in the trees. For a bit of work on a sewing project and a few light domestic chores completed with mini naps and a good book to read in between. For having made my tea so that it's all ready when I'm ready to get vertical again and eat it. For having a tablet to write my blog whilst horizontal and for the planning of trips. A day with planning of trips is almost as good as a day going on them!

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