Monday 13 October 2014

Good will bunting

I'm grateful those poor chaps upstairs have got what they need to keep them content for a while - they stomp about and bicker when supplies are low and as someone addicted to peace and harmony I know how hard it can be to remain equanimous when you can't get your fix!

I'm grateful for ringing Jenny to see if she was going to knitting and was up for giving me a lift home afterwards as, on a chilly rainy day, it makes a difference what I might choose to wear. I'd planned to get a cab there to arrive warm and dry, and to walk to the bus stop on the way back to save the £s, but she said she'd been going to call to offer me a lift there too given the inclement weather. Unsolicited offers of help are even nicer than asking and it being given!

I give thanks for Linda making us such a cute and functional 'tea bag' for the group...and that Dorothy brought biscuits even though she didn't know we now have to provide the wherewithal ourselves. I give thanks for the Waitrose workers for providing some of my supper...and for the mouth watering smell of the spicy dhal part made by me and wafting through the flat...

I give thanks for the weather being, in fact, perfectly clement for the purposes of a quiet late afternoon knitting which was exactly what I had a yen for and which, as both the acupuncturist and the choir master are out of town, was quite easy to arrange. I give thanks for my hands not being as sore as they have been...and for coming up with the idea of making some mini bunting for our decorative project. This can hang along the tops of the shelves and not obscure the titles, is ideal for using up scraps of yarn and requires little in the way of skill or dedication to contribute to.

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