Wednesday 22 October 2014

Lighten up

I'm grateful for darker mornings because I get to see more dawns! I'm grateful I managed to get to a (phone) camera before this one had completely faded.

I'm grateful I'm used to often having no chance of getting from A to B so I don't have to rant and fume as motorists were on Facebook this morning about roadworks. It's very frustrating to think you have control over anything apart from your own thoughts, so I'm grateful I remembered to send the poor things some metta instead of having a rant myself. And that after I lost control of my fingers on the last sentence and deleted it I remembered both what I'd written...and to laugh!

I'm grateful that, after considering the logistics of getting myself from A to B and C on Thursday and from A to B, C and D on Friday, I realised I would be unable to lug the X, Y and Zs I needed to pick up between the venues and would have to go out today as well. And I'm grateful that when this was finally possible, and I forgot something and had to go back and set out again, this meant I was walking down the hill as Christine was walking up and we could stop and chat for a while about the things we are always keen to chat about that other people aren't necessarily aware of let alone appreciate - the glorious minutiae of the everyday, especially the natural ones. She also saves special leaves and gets excited about seeing the sea at night so it's a comfort for me to know there's at least one other one...

I'm grateful for the recent Channel 4 documentaries about police custody suites and the folk they have to bring in. I'm not so naive as to think all the chaps down the station are quite as understanding as the ones represented, but it's so refreshing to hear anyone remember and remind others that criminal activity is usually the result of a handful of poor life choices (and maybe not even your own) and not inherent 'evil'. This week's theme was drug offences and featured possibly the most amiable heroin addict and desk sergeant ever as well as some sadder tales.

I'm grateful that some vintage Viyella I bid for quite persistently on ebay and won has arrived and is gorgeous - worth every penny and pound.

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