Friday 24 October 2014

Short haul

Yay, I caught the bus yesterday! And also yay for working out how I'd missed it before - no one had been picked up on the preceding stops so it was passing mine earlier than one might imagine, and had a long pause at the fare stage down the hill. I give thanks for a strangely scenic journey as we rode into a greyout of glowering cloud and sea while inland the moor and valley below was bathed in golden sunlight, and for a very thorough and much needed treatment which saw me in good stead through a long wait for a bus home, having mistakenly assumed that the sparse schedule continued throughout the evening whereas it actually got sparser! I'm grateful I remembered to be grateful to the driver, who was at least as keen to get home as I.

This morning I gave thanks again for being thanked for something I'd written, and for a hint in there for a TV programme about happiness...which led me to a search that turned up two, well more than two actually as one led to a link to a six part philosophy series!

I gave thanks for seeing the bruised face of a neighbour who struggles with alcohol and domestic abuse light up as a black cat trotted up with periscope tail for a fondle, and for another saying to let them know if any of their noise was causing a nuisance or if they could help with anything in any way. Of course one never knows how likely people are actually to follow through on this kind of offer when put to the test (and experience suggests a lot less than they'd like to think they might!) but the gratitude is for the hearing of the offer. Even the imagination of future helpfulness produces a few happy chemicals in the brains of participants...

I give thanks for the last appointments and prescription manoeuvres for a few days and that I got almost everything I meant to in town including an ice cream to eat on the seafront because the day turned out so mild, and a massive aubergine for 20p that's roasting to make a curry tomorrow. I did forget to get some strong thread to sew these mats together but I suspect I'm going to be too tired and sore to do so for the foreseeable future anyhow...and too busy watching TV programmes about happiness maybe! Anyway they seem to be staying quite snugly in line for now... I give thanks for my £2.95 haul for the hall.

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