Thursday 2 October 2014


Well last night I was grateful I eventually managed to get comfy enough to fall asleep and today to get out of the house despite still being decidedly un-. I gave thanks for remembering to snap the flattering paint job on the wrought iron at the station, and the pretty ride on the train to the mystifying city where there were men's jumpers on sale with padded Father Christmases on tummies even though most of the men seemed to have padded tummies of their own!

I give thanks for all the talented buskers I heard. One of them (the violinist who plays so movingly sometimes here) had hand written signs with his phone number on 'for bookings' and I was grateful to see a smartly dressed lady writing it down!

I'm grateful for a bus that goes right up the hospital entrance and for chuckles on board as we passed a council worker joyfully jumping up and down on a truck bed full of trimmed branches to try and flatten them.    

I'm even grateful that the clinic was running so way over time that it was too late to go to the castle cafe as planned with a friend afterwards, because he had a car we could drive to a little town on the other side of the estuary instead.  I'd not been there for years so it was grand to see it again with the afternoon light pearl blue on the water, and to try out a friendly new cafe down by the quay. I'm grateful it had a station so I could get home, and that the bathwater is hot and ready for a soothing soak...

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