Saturday 18 October 2014

Warm and dry

I give thanks for the cosy sound of the wind and rain when you're indoors warm and dry. When I woke up and realised I had to change several things including several of the bedclothes I was grateful for the mild air temperature too. I gave thanks that though it felt like night - dark and stormy - it was actually six am and a perfectly acceptable time to make a cup of tea...and also a perfectly acceptable time to take it back to the unmade bed, drink it and fall asleep again!

I give thanks for waterproof sheets and washing machines, and that the bedding changed the other day had been processed and was ready to be put on again the bed again today. I'm grateful for surgery and surgical appliances that mean this rigmarole doesn't happen any more often than it does, and that I have no one to cuddle up to me in bed as I doubt they'd enjoy the situation much, especially it always makes my eyes leak too. I give thanks for a fine day for festooning the flat with laundry, breezy but warm with the windows open, with nothing much else planned to do with the time and space and no one around but me to have to negotiate it!

I give thanks that my hands were quite cooperative and let me knit for a bit after sorting things out. I've never touched a real snake but I hear they feel warm and dry, as does the one I'm making. It's quite well camouflaged too!

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