Saturday 4 October 2014

Still waters

There was plenty of gratitude to feel before I was even properly awake this morning - for disturbing dreams not being real, for the sound of soft but persistent rain, and for being in less pain than I have been for a long while so that getting out of bed wasn't the usual scary process...  This also meant I could make pancakes for a late breakfast which is always something to be grateful for!

I'm aware of a correlation between a certain amount of stillness and a reduction in levels of pain but the level of stillness required is pretty silly ie. not getting dressed, lifting a mug or holding a book let alone dressmaking, washing up or typing, and if you're a long time dead and long times hooked up to a dialysis machine might precede it, that seems a bit of a waste of the bit beforehand to me... But I promised myself a bit of extra rest this weekend and am grateful to say I've been doing quite well so far with a laid back morning watching quali and sewing a few inches of lining to a blanket I made, and a much a doze about nothing afternoon having naplets with a novel and attaching some more fish to a shelf decoration for the library,

And I'm grateful for still more very low impact activity planned for the rest of the day - heating up some leftovers, watching some TV and a long bubbly bath. I still give thanks every time I have one, and when I tie my hair up before I get in. I have shed the shadows of many difficult times in my life but being bald and banned from wallowing still haunts me a little now and then...

1 comment:

  1. i totally love pancakes, but i'm not so great in the kitchen. plus i'm a night owl big time, so i pretty much microwave something frozen for a late supper or make a roast beef sandwich or two. hope the pancakes turned out well for you :-)


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