Monday 23 January 2017

Square eyes

I give thanks for the heavy frost whitening the rooftops til late on a cold crisp morning. For not having to go out, though I wouldn't have been adverse in cosy clothing, but all that hefting yesterday has made some new bits sore...

Though moving more has thus been rather tricky, I give thanks for sticking to plan A regarding trying to think less. I don't formally meditate even a perceivable fraction of the amount I used to, but you can bring mindful awareness to every activity (or stillness) and I'm aware I've been increasingly utterly 'mind-full' in recent times, which is a good place start trying to stop!

I give thanks for finding a Eurosport channel showing tennis without adverts or commentary, just the on court calls and sounds. So much better! Like being there...only not as a cheap seated human but as a rich visioned bird swooping around the space and zooming in on the details. It could a great feature for pretty much any programme with a voiceover I reckon, to allow one to turn it off and make one's own observations or interpretations with just some simple info. And while we're on the subject I give thanks for the fascinating and thought provoking images of creatures going about their lives last night, as recorded by those clever animatronic spy creatures. Could have done without most of the script on that too though!

I give thanks for becoming fascinated by the beauty water droplets and patterns of condensation earlier, which I'm sure does mean I should get out more, but sure does show I make the best of not doing that I can!

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