Sunday 1 January 2017

Believe me

I give thanks for my dream worlds. As real life's become increasingly isolated and nightmarish lately they're fuelled by what I've read and watched, and I wake up often unable to work out what's true or not. Sometimes I give thanks for that to be honest! And for being reminded how easily what we believe is happiness is often actually just that - what we believe to be true. Religiously, romantically, politically, financially...the whole kit and caboodle...

One of the things that some of the people believe to be true at the moment is that we are in a 'new year', so I've been having some thoughts about that too. This time in the 'old' one I was writing poems and planning to 'live differently' and in retrospect I think I did OK at that within my limited means. There were times within its duration I was so happy I thought I'd sad I thought I'd break...but somehow I didn't, though I seem to have ended up in pieces anyway, just disembodied pixels and pain. In general I give thanks I'm surviving of course but survival of the unfittest is not fun...Well, it's not all bad. As I couldn't sleep til the small hours I ended up exchanging a few virtual words with a couple of folk, a bit of a 'new year' novelty for me.

I give thanks to Mima for offering to take me out for a cuppa today...and for being sensible enough to decline as without Scotty to beam me up and dressed and sparkle me down into the passenger seat of her car it would have hurt more than it would have healed. I give thanks I did get up and washed and dressed eventually though as I was determined to be so to start opening those delayed prezzies. I give thanks deferring pleasure is a particular skill of mine. Pretty handy at the mo, you know?

No photos this time...but for everyone else for whom 2017 has not started in quite the happy way they might have hoped, an observation that made even grumpy old me smile during an online grocery shop. For so long so immobile for all practical purposes I'm running low on the kind of toiletries I prefer and wondered if Tesco had any shampoo I'd care to use. As you might have noticed if you've met me, I'm not up on beauty trends, so I was surprised to see a range of Brazilian hair care...and even more so at how big the bottles were!

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