Thursday 19 January 2017

Silence is golden

Um...ho hum...another day with paradise just outside the window. I give thanks for my beautiful views of a beautiful winter's day!

I give thanks for being offered an MRI appointemnt cancellation...and that the booking chap understood why I didn't want the slot either at 8.30 am some distance away. There is no kind of transport service, public or otherwise, available to get me there that early, and even if I had a car and licence I wouldn't be capable of driving at the mo. I also give great thanks he didn't say 'Don't you have anyone you could ask?' I hate it when people say that... I'm grateful there are people who do have this kind of kindliness of course, but those of us who don't don't need reminding how much more comfortable and convenient life might be if we did.

I give thanks for trying to pace myself with hurtful chores though how successful I have been remains to be seen of course. Usually by evening no matter how little I've done some parts of me wish I hadn't! I give thanks for a nice little snoozy meditate in a quiet interlude in the afternoon...

I give thanks for discovering I can turn the volume up much higher on my laptop than I normally have it, should I feel the need to make more noise than necessary when other people do. For some reason I had a yen to hear some late fifties/early sixties tracks that I suspect blended very badly with the thumpety thump radio station one of my neighbours prefers, from the way that kept getting louder too. Unsurprisingly I couldn't hear what was said but from the stamping around and raised voices that accompanied this crescendo...followed by a return to a more reasonable level it may have been some of her flatmates wanted a bit of hushing as well. Of course I turned my music down too...I wasn't doing it to annoy. If I'd wanted to do that I'd have turned my VERY loud stereo on!

I give thanks for the gilded hillside highlights before the sun went down. Just in case the Universe reads my blog and thinks my appreciation of the dual aspect here means I don't really want a much smaller lower flat in town...Of course I do because paradise would then be just outside my door!

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