Monday 16 January 2017

Feel good fraction

I give thanks the day's been good in parts. For acknowledging and accepting my preference for parts that are good...and for finally, after much consideration, gleaning a few glimpses of gratitude to share.

I give thanks for feeling better physically. It's not all the time, but there are times when I actually forget all about my scaitic nerve altogether. That is wonderful, no ifs no buts or qualifying clauses.

I give thanks for being able to bustle about a bit with cleaning and so on this morning. For remembering, in a period I'd scheduled for rest and when the neighbours weren't being noisy, the Australian Open had started ...and for not having a tantrum when I realised there is no way to watch it on any non-subscription channels. I felt like having one at the frustration of a potential pleasure denied...but also felt rather annoyed with myself for minding. I try so hard not to have expectations and care about outcomes - not due to any Buddhist leanings but because so much of my life is about having to do without that which I'd really rather not, I'd really rather not care too much when I do.

Nonetheless, I still give a lot of thanks for finding an affordable offer on Eurosport Player! For the internet and earplugs and headphones and still believing somehow someday I'll get away from here...

I give thanks for appreciating the irony of getting up to get on with the last of the vacuuming and the hose breaking off in my hand. Attachments eh? Nothing but trouble they are! I give thanks I think I've found a fitting replacement on eBay at a price I can afford to squander if I'm wrong...that I'm cautiously optimistic by some means the package will make its way to my flat eventually, and the broken bit to a recycling facility one day.

I give thanks for the changing light on the sea and the trees as clouds come and go, the pretty tinted clouds after sunset and a gull wheeling on a thermal before darkness fell. And feeling rather sad this evening, I give thanks for remembering all things must pass...

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