Friday 20 January 2017

Better in than out

I give thanks for nearly going out last night. I'd been looking forward to it (Heavens I'd even put a spot of make up on!) and my handsome escort was certainly keen...but before we got round to leaving the building it became clear the vague malaise of the last few days and what I'd hoped might be butterflies in my tummy of happy anticipation was actually something that required sticking my head down a toilet. And if you must stick your head down a toilet it's much better if it's your own...

I give thanks this change of plan couldn't have been foisted on a better man and some joint pleasures could still be salvaged from the evening...including an Eagles retrospective and an amiable assault on that tricksy jigsaw puzzle.

After not sleeping well and, still feeling iffy, lying in bed doing nothing all day was appealing on many levels... but so was some bright sunshine, cold fresh air and exercise, and there were in town chores requiring attention too so I give thanks for gradually coaxing myself up and out. Though I didn't loiter apart from perching briefy on handy seats here and there I was sure I'd feel better for being outdoors and I did. I give thanks for happy chatty cab drivers and for walking twice as far in between than I thought I would, than I thought I could, aforementioned perching notwithstanding of course. Standing after walking is still very uncomfortable ha ha!

I give thanks this afternoon all the noisy folk were out for a while and then only the quietest one came back so I was able to do the sensible soothing thing of not opening the box with the new vacuum hose but lying under a fleecy throw watching documentaries and having a bit of a snooze now and then. I give thanks for the golden hour of day's last sunshine mellowing the acid yellow of the burgeoning mimosa blossoms. If only they'd stay still enough to get a decent photo!

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