Monday 9 January 2017

Night and day

I give thanks for physical mobility. It's so easy to forget what a wonderful thing that is when you can't move as much as you like or how you like or where or with whom you'd prefer to (and it all hurts anyway!) But I really am grateful I can still move around as much as I can and that last night, after trying unsuccessfully  to wriggle out of some really nasty pain and into sleep I could give up and get up and have tea and toast in the kitchen. I give thanks for electric radiators - easily turn off and onable! I give thanks for electricity, a kettle and a toaster, a tap with clean water, the ingredients and utensils to prepare the snack and, despite dietary restrictions, being 'allowed' to consume it...

I give thanks for finding a reasonably comfortable position to do some of that jigsaw. It was bought for its fascinating image of an antique doll's house, of a period and style not dissimilar to the original house where my flat is, but the colour palette is limited and some of the pieces have a very similar pattern and shape so that even though I've only done the edge and a small part of middle I've already gone wrong twice. This is unheard of! I give thanks for reminding myself I could just be getting old...but not a tremendous amount! Having had my vigor and virtuosity wrestled from me way too early I have a lot of compassion for those dealing with the diminishment of faculties with age...but it's supposed to be part of the deal that I don't get that, right?

And while I was sitting there scrabbling about for bits of pictures stuck on board, and tissues (I was very sad) I got to giving thanks for how loving I am. So many sorrows and hardships in my life come down to how loved I'm not...but that's not the same thing. Goodwill and kindheartedness are easier to give if they're received, for sure but they're not really goodwill and kindheartedness if they're dependent on it.

I give thanks for eventually getting some sleep before morning. For the neighbours being out for some of the day... though not for the bit I fancied a catch up nap in unfortunately! They are quite scarily cross this afternoon, and though I know they're not shouting at me it does make me edgy and and disconcerted hearing it. For Jan promising to have a look at my puzzles...For Rachel saying she'll bring me a pint of milk. For the mimosa buds beginning to brighten, for the sound of the rain on the window and the wind whistling through the bare trees. For being strangely wonderfully comfortable curled up writing this...which is why I'm posting early...sharing a happy moment virtually is better than not sharing at all.

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