Saturday 7 January 2017

Schrodinger's human

I can see why solitary confinement's a punishment, an excess of enforced stillness and isolation, pain and disturbed sleep can take your mind to some dark old places for sure. It can affect your sense of self worth...and easily drift into issues regarding sense of self per se. Tree falling in the forest kind of thing... If you're not moving are you doing anything? If you're not doing anything are you being? If no one sees you are you there? If no one's listening why are you even sharing your thoughts, ha ha! Goodness knows! May you all live long and healthy and enriching lives and never have to concern yourself with this stuff... But bearing it in mind I give thanks for Bob making me feel I'm still worth planning to visit even if the usual entertainment and hospitality might be in short supply.

I give thanks for moving a lot in my dreams... Lots of adventures making a film! For receiving some favourite chocolate...and hearing some sent had been received (both belated Christmas gifts). For remembering to share happy stuff on social media in case anyone needs something to make then smile more than me. For remembering to be compassionate towards overheard unhappy humans...and dogs!

I give thanks for using my daytime mobility in measured instalments making some soup and managing to get the kitchen and living room relatively tidy and clean. Don't get me started on the philosophy of housework, especially when you spend most of your time home alone...I just know if I feel stuck inside a box it's better if it's not too messy. Um...gosh...this is hard today...I give thanks I've tried? Yep, definitely...I give thanks I've tried to be grateful.

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