Saturday 28 January 2017

The Butterfly and The Child

I give thanks for all the people who believe I'm always on top of everything with serenity, courage and wisdom as required...and cheerful about it to. It's an attractive idea, isn't it, that a weak and feeble woman such as I could hold back all the encroaching entropy in and around her life? Heavens I buy into it myself sometimes!

In reality there is much to be discouraged about, and in amongst the nicer mail there were letters reminding me of medical and financial challenges to fret over, and when I went to bed last night it was raining in my hall. Better than heart? Hmm... Not sure! I give thanks, as usually happens, I've cobbled together a plan or two...with as little action as possible on my part for now as I'm not feeling very active at the moment.

I give thanks for getting on with various chores anyhow, and in between 'resting' by listening to guided meditations. Some I didn't find at all restful due to the timbre of the guiding voice, or the words they chose to use, but I gave thanks for the experience anyhow. Unequivocal thanks for Imee Ooi's Om Mani Padme Hum though, and for a free download of an introduction to a type of yoga where you basically just stay still in various positions for several minutes or more. Being already sore I had to choose the ones to try carefully but managed both the Butterfly and the Child for a while - both shapes I naturally bend my body into by choice anyway. I give thanks it's been very peaceful round here today...

I give thanks for a new doable MRI scan appointment in a few weeks time. As it's not in an easy place to get to even if you don't have a bad back, and to face the claustrophobia of the machine and volunteer transport on the same day would be, well...undoable, I was conceiving of a plan involving four taxis and two after mentioning to this to Mima and her offering to take me instead I was very grateful indeed! Well, as far as one can be grateful for needing the pesky thing done anyway...

I give thanks for Pat's thoughtful gift of a beany cushion that supports a tablet on your lap leaving hands free. Very useful! For the tight budded daffodils Laura brought me gradually opening and releasing their delicate fragrance. For Belvoir Turkish Delight flavour cordial - that's not what it's really called but I can't be bothered to get up and check the proper name. Tastes like it anyway :-)

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