Wednesday 29 March 2017

Christmas crackers

Warning: Vegan discretion is advised

I give thanks Bob and I are having a sort of delayed Christmas day today. For him cooking a late great breakfast including probably the nicest bacon and sausage I've ever had! I'm very proud of having chosen them myself and, though I rail against over packaging, I give thanks that the products came ready wrapped as when I tried to be carnivorous in my youth I had to stand outside the butcher's and take a deep breath so I didn't have to inhale any air while I was in there and what seemed a ghastly smell! These particular products had labels that said things like 'organic', 'free range' and 'special offer' - all pretty good pointers as far as flavour is concerned I find!

I give thanks I abandoned the idea of the idea of joining him for the traditional seasonal walk as I'm a bit sore and have to save myself for tomorrow's excursion...but that so far I've been able to move around in a fairly hospitable manner. I give thanks for some good catch up chat, and also a bit of an online natter with absent friends. For a good curry medley last night with a bit of Red Dwarf and five different kinds of crackers awaiting six different types of cheese! It's good to assuage ones appetites now and then...

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