Sunday 26 March 2017

Am I missing something?

I give thanks for the pretty pastel sky yesterday evening. My mojo stalked off in a huff not long after, so I give thanks for burying earplugs into my ears, my nose in a book and my out of sorts self under the covers on the bed in the living room, intending to watch a film or something later on, but falling asleep instead. I give thanks for thus not noticing missing anything, not even a mojo or an hour.

I give thanks for another gloriously sunny day. It made me want to go out and play, and that made me sad because I can't, but I gave thanks for the joy of the people who can, and all the living growing things that need the warmth and light.

I give thanks for the pain being OK as long as I did nothing...that's something I suppose! For trying just to be still and not to mind...

I give thanks for having the windows wide open and hearing the sea, watching the walkers on the wall and beach on the web cam...for trying to immerse myself in the clarity of my memories of experiencing this...and not miss the experience itself...

I give thanks for turning on the TV to watch the race highlights and finding the dodgy signal of the last few days had turned into on screen messages to reset my router and box and retune...this was done with some trepidation, and resulted in missing the start of the program, but being able to watch the remainder in HD as I now have more of those channels!

I give thanks for trying not to think about mothers or Sundays...

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