Monday 20 March 2017

I can see for smiles and smiles and...

I give thanks for all the people who've taken the time to comment lately on things they've seen on my blog. Your participation and appreciation is appreciated! I'm a woman with a mission to come up on your screens and make you smile - with apologies to the person whose profile that's adapted from. No, actually thanks to that person ha ha ;-) It makes me smile too when I know I've succeeded in some way.

That's what this is all about after all, that's why it began and why it carries on. In fact that should really be the response to the comment I hear most often which is 'I don't know how you do it!' I don't know how not to now!  I give thanks to Carol who showed me the way to set up on blogger in the beginning, and for all those who encouraged me at the start when not only was I facing up to the fact I'd been told I didn't have long to live, but also that the life I'd had had been a pretty lonely, luckless thing. I wanted to see if it were possible to make love out of nothing and make the world a warmer place without two human sticks to rub together, a furry friend, a hand to hold... And I give thanks I found out you can! Though of course if you can get your hands on a furry human to rub that is even warmer...

Meanwhile, back at the cold face of infirmity, I give thanks for spending as much of the morning as I dared catching up on the sleep that slipped from me during the night. For getting done the stuff on the must be done list with copious rests between to let sore bits recuperate. For the remarkably random nature of the pain, so that although for parts of the day I pretty much had to drag my leg behind me if I wanted to move from one room to the other, as moving the leg itself hurt too much to do... one time, after one short lie down, I stood up straight and could walk about comfortably and normally for a while. I give thanks this was just before Laura arrived to I could greet her and make a drink and so on without making a meal of it. I give thanks for the gift of her meal -  the most utterly excellent tartiflette! I had some for my lunch with a bit of purple sprouting. Heavens, it was good!

I give thanks for Bob booking his ticket to ride and that he's planning to be here for a couple of days next week. For him finally deciding what he'd like for Christmas and it being exactly what I'd thought to give him but thought I'd better check. For us both feeling pretty smiley about it.

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