Tuesday 28 March 2017

Go on then

I give thanks to Rachel for trying to needle my niggledness away... though the bright long evening just kept creating more as I longed to be able to just go out without a major logistical conundrum/risk assessment regarding movement and pain. I'm not stupid, I know it's stupid to get cross or cry about my inexorably slow return to mobility but increasingly I do because the longer it goes on the harder it is to tolerate.

I give thanks things are improving, I'm even going to try to get to my next hospital appointment and back mostly by public transport...but, though it might seem ungrateful not to be excited at this obvious progress, to someone suffering from the vex factor the thought of the excursion doesn't quite hit the spot as regards travel, action and adventure!

Oh well, I give thanks for focusing my mind on thinking up some cryptic crossword clues...that really does keep a lot of brain cells occupied! For planning what else I can sort out and clear out for charity or recycling and how to get said stuff to appropriate places...it's one thing that keeps me going, keeping getting ready to go...

I give thanks for sorting out some unwanted sheet music and coming across Crown of Roses which finally managed to oust the insistent Always Sad from my head for a while*. Crown of Roses might not be the most joyful ditty Tchaikovsky ever produced but we don't want lyrics about lost and incomparable lovers running all around our brains for days on end, do we? Oops, if I'm not careful there'll be a song about cocaine in there instead. I give thanks for the most ecelectic music station in the universe ever...broadcasting in my head! And for youtube of course... who remembers Jackson Browne this young? I don't that's for sure...nice bit of country fiddle though!


I give thanks the exasperating saga of downstairs door abuse means though we are currently without glass in two of the windows, the lock can thus be opened by simply putting one's hand through the aperture and turning the catch...so less going downstairs to let people in.

I give thanks Bob is on his way and can soon take advantage of this facility...

* Imee Ooi's Om Mani Padme Hum finally did it...I think!

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