Saturday 18 March 2017

Second toe

I give thanks for making myself laugh this morning trying to work out the least painful way to get to the kitchen for a cup of tea and deciding air ambulance hoisting me out through the bedroom window and in through the kitchen one might do the trick. Later on, getting hungry and needing to make the journey again I realised if they could just lower an insulated box down with hot food and drink I could just lean out of the window and grab it!

I had a most unusual craving for a non veggie cooked breakfast and realised it's been well over a year since the organically fatted pigs were brought out to celebrate a visit from Bob, which is usually the one time I have one as I can't bear to actually cook meat myself! I give thanks there are rumours he may be on his way to oblige in the not too distant future...

No matter how little I tried to do the hurting just got worse and worse yesterday, but I gave thanks after a lot of unwanted wakefulness through it on previous nights eventually some kind of internal override system kicked in and I slept for more than twelve hours, not continuously but in closely enough connected chunks to be of real healing benefit to the rest of my body if not the squishy discs and narky nerves. I do feel better for it, though the pain's been no better.

Obviously there's not been a lot of obvious opportunity for delight since last I posted but I give thanks for managing to keep mostly in reasonably good humour, for making some passable pasta and keeping on top of the washing up. I give thanks for a bit of colourful on line banter, for having a bit of a moment with this not so old video of an old favourite song

I give thanks for thinking for a title for today's blog. They can be a bit obscure or cryptic sometimes but there's always a reason behind each choice, and after coming up with more than two thousand three hundred almost always different ones over several years of often rather similar days it's no wonder I get a kick out of still finding a fresh idea. Anyone else get it? I'd be grateful to hear if you do...

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