Tuesday 12 December 2017

How sweet it is

I give thanks for dreaming I was telling some people exactly what I thought of them. That was the first thing I noticed when I awoke and my goodness, it felt good! In reality, even if folk are unkind, or that sneaky sort of kind that goes with being controlling, I still try to be (within reason) nice and compliant. It's not that I'm trying to make people like me - I've long since given up on that - it's more that I want them to like themselves, enjoy their lives and spread some joy around. I'm not good at conflict, someone always gets hurt and I give thanks I'm aware it's always going to be me even if I've 'won'!

The second thing I noticed today was how much I physically hurt. Curled up tight against the cold it was as if rigor mortis had set in when I tried to unbend myself.  I give thanks by lunchtime I was more or less mobile again...

I give thanks for my budget bloke's dressing gown which covers my chest so more cosily than a cheap woman's might. Read that any way you like, ha ha! For mugs of Co-op Earl Grey tea and plates of toast with Tesco three fruit marmalade (both from their fancy pants sections of course). For New Scientist to read for free from the library electronically...and recording plays from Radio 4 when the internet lets me as it can't be relied upon to let me use catch up any more. I give thanks for more problem solving with that - problem's not solved but I like it when I keep trying!

I give thanks for keeping on trying to keep myself fed flavoursomely within my dietary restrictions. I was so impressed with my paella dish yesterday, I made another dish that wasn't paella today...

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