Sunday 17 December 2017

New end to my talents

Woohoo! I give thanks I've taught myself a useful new skill - putting a coax connector on the end of aerial cable. True, it's not particularly technical, and as it's my first time and I lack a pair of wire cutters neither is it neat, but I'm pleased that it works slightly better than before. There's yards of it, old and kinked, so I intend to work backwards until I find a bit that doesn't still require jiggling in the socket, but at least I no longer have to stand my TV box up on its front on the carpet to get a signal through. As it stands now (the right way up and in the right place) I could actually watch catch up...if I hadn't pretty much used my internet allowance up this month already downloading software for my new laptop. And I haven't even got to the crossword compiler yet...

Hmm, what else? For managing to stay mostly warm and, if not upbeat, at least up and about, not beating myself up and being mildly productive. It's not a very merry time for a lot of folk,  dark days both meteorologically and metaphorically. I give thanks for trying to stay grateful, and for being grateful rather than green eyed there are those for whom it's a season of warmth and celebration. I give thanks for half making my bed with clean linen - easier on the arms and the overloaded drying facilities to split it this way. Oh and for making whisky liqueur butter for tomorrow's there's no brandy in the cupboards you see!

I give thanks for the neighbours not being too noisy, though a pigeon spent a chunk of the afternoon on staring in from the windowsill making me feel rather intruded upon!

Which reminds me - I give thanks for finding these anthropomorphically amusing photographs

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