Thursday 7 December 2017

The great late

I give thanks for my duvet! When life seems full of sharp, hard, pointy, pushy bits curling up underneath one can soften the edges a little...

I give thanks though worries and woes kept me awake til the small hours I wasn't due at the hospital late in the day and I could have a late morning lie in. It's such a long slog there and back on the bus if possible I like to do something other than ride there, be seen and ride back, especially if the appointment's after dark so I can't admire the views, but today my joints were sore from wrapping gifts and cushion pads so it was hard to think of what to add value to the trip. I give thanks I came up with the idea of going right into the city, choosing some birthday cards for chums I'll be seeing over the next few days and catching a glimpse of some of the twinkling lights. I give thanks, as it was late night shopping, for the crêpe stand also being open for a sweet lemony treat before preparing to do battle.

As the new surgery date I'd been given meant I'd be missing out on all the pretty much all seasonal sociability I had arranged, plus the opportunity for a lift home with someone I felt comfortable with in my post-op vulnerable state, I'd decided to ask for a different one. I was sure there'd be lectures and threats to negotiate... but in the event the consultant quite agreed this was not best...nor the day my Tesco delivery is due! Phew, I felt so much better after that.

I give thanks for not having to wait long for the bus home, for getting a seat, and when the crowds had thinned being able to move to the funny little one right at front where you have a better chance of seeing where you are and getting out at the right stop. For those who are blissfully ignorant of public transport arrangements - no, I don't mean the driver's lap!

I give thanks for the neighbours being out when I got in...and for this lush little remnant arriving for when my hands feel up to sewing again.

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