Tuesday 26 December 2017

Left behind

I give thanks I didn't have my heart set on going down to see the 'walk into the sea' today as I slept badly and woke too late and sore and slow moving to get myself there. Oh well, there's always a wonderful atmosphere but even a cheery crowd can be a bit daunting when you're on your own. I give thanks I dreamt I was there anyway, but not so much for the nightmare I woke from and had to put the light on to feel safe....especially as when I woke again the light was off! Spooky!

I give thanks I left my new tea and old tea pot by the kettle last night to remind myself to use them for my morning cuppa.

I give thanks for thinking I'd saved all my files when I tried to restore my old laptop to working order. If I'd realised only some had survived I might have been more miffed...

I give thanks for the leaking rainwater gathering in my collection facility and reminding me reality cannot really be left behind for long. 

I give thanks for SwiftKey helping me this whole post with my left hand. No, there's nothing wrong with my right, I'm just practising for future limitations. It's been a slow process as there's a lot of tapping incorrect virtual keys and even so called smart prediction isn't bright enough to work out what I might have meant or meant to do.

Rudolf the gold nosed rescue reindeer says hello by the way. He's very grateful he's not still out in the rain. I used both hands to take the photo otherwise there'd not have been one at all!

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