Tuesday 3 July 2018

In between days

I went to a different hospital today...that makes eight in ten years, bit like Munro bagging I suppose only less healthy.  I give thanks this one had the most stunning art work (a tryptych beach scene with a flock of birds)  in the main entrance/reception area though it was placed so the person behind the desk got to see it more than the patients so they lose a point for that!

I give thanks my ankle was sore seeing as that was the bit being x - rayed, but if  its not another day I might go back and take a photo as I had neither my camera nor my phone. There was a gorgeous spreading oak tree nearby too with a complicated knot of roots, that would be worth a second look.

I give thanks for popping into the sister store of the health food shop here on my way up the hill and finding a pack of those lovely vegan crumble biscuits reduced as they were squashed. The chap inside and I were discussing the mystery of Booja  Booja tasting so good despite having no sinful ingredients. Alchemy he decided it was which made me chuckle rather... For their Co op having own brand tortilla chips in stock as ours have run out and they're pretty much the only thing my diet will allow me to spend my 'nuts, crisps and snacks' voucher on.

I give thanks I made a proper lunch before I went out because I'm stuck on the sofa now too tired to move. I give thanks Rachel brought dhal for tea last night and put the leftovers in my freezer. I'd already had my own version for two dinners this week so I could probably do with a change...and not just tortiila chips, biscuits and cream cakes (sigh)

I give thanks for the Cure. Cure for all kinds of sorrows some of their songs can be...

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