Sunday 22 July 2018

Sex and drugs and rock and roll

I give thanks for an evening that was very good indeed. No none of the above, but also all of them in the shape of a great biopic with that very title. For making a quick tea for there and then and a slow one to keep overnight in the fridge for today. For managing five rows of knitting before my hand went into spasms. For no close neighbours at home for the full duration so I could get quite lost in a stunning performance by Andy Serkis and others in the cast. Made me feel young again... made me remember going to Glastonbury... made me remember the me I used to be before being ill and getting old got in way. I miss her...

Meanwhile the imposter who seems to have taken over my life had a pleasant afternoon out. Mima and I went exploring across the river where there is a secret bookshop in a phone box and a tiny tucked away church with some pretty a 'hermitage' outside with a mosaic of astrological symbols made of pebbles and an enormous yellow car parked on top... Hermitting clearly isn't what it used to be either!

I've been very achey today so I give thanks for paracetamol and perseverance, lovely sunshine and views, a picnic lunch and half a cream tea for pudding.

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